Other then ncert which other books should i refer for physics and chemistry for neetpreparation
Answer (1)
Best Books for NEET 2019
Aspirants preparing for NEET 2019 must keep in mind that NCERT books of Class 11 and 12 should be considered as the bible for each section. NCERT books will clear the basic concepts for each section.
Best Books for NEET 2019 Physics
The physics section being the most difficult of all the sections, requires extensive knowledge about each and every topic. The section comprises 45 questions which carry 180 marks wherein mostly questions from Electrostatics, Mechanics and Electronics dominate. The numerical based questions in NCERT Physics book will help you in solving numerical during the exam. Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma should also be in the list of best books for NEET 2019 as it provides solved and unsolved problems for practice which also serves as the sample paper for NEET preparation. DC Pandey, on the other hand, prepares aspirants for objective questions. The remaining books that add to the list of NEET UG 2019 best books are useful in clearing your concepts.
Best Books for NEET 2019 Chemistry
Chemistry includes 45 questions which carry 180 marks wherein the aspirants will get three sections- Organic, Inorganic and Physical. As per the previous year trends, Physical and Organic section carry more weightage so include more books for these sections in the list of NEET 2019 best books. Physical section carries numerical based question, therefore, the books added will assist in practising and solving questions. Inorganic section is the easiest section when compared with the other two, it consists of memory based questions. J D Lee includes multiple-choice questions which are really good for students preparing for NEET. Organic section needs practice and revision.
Aspirants preparing for NEET 2019 must keep in mind that NCERT books of Class 11 and 12 should be considered as the bible for each section. NCERT books will clear the basic concepts for each section.
Best Books for NEET 2019 Physics
The physics section being the most difficult of all the sections, requires extensive knowledge about each and every topic. The section comprises 45 questions which carry 180 marks wherein mostly questions from Electrostatics, Mechanics and Electronics dominate. The numerical based questions in NCERT Physics book will help you in solving numerical during the exam. Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma should also be in the list of best books for NEET 2019 as it provides solved and unsolved problems for practice which also serves as the sample paper for NEET preparation. DC Pandey, on the other hand, prepares aspirants for objective questions. The remaining books that add to the list of NEET UG 2019 best books are useful in clearing your concepts.
- NCERT Physics Class XI & Class XII
- Concepts of Physics by H. C. Verma
- Objective Physics By DC Pandey
- Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker
- Fundamental Physics by Pradeep
- Problems in General Physics by IE Irodov
Best Books for NEET 2019 Chemistry
Chemistry includes 45 questions which carry 180 marks wherein the aspirants will get three sections- Organic, Inorganic and Physical. As per the previous year trends, Physical and Organic section carry more weightage so include more books for these sections in the list of NEET 2019 best books. Physical section carries numerical based question, therefore, the books added will assist in practising and solving questions. Inorganic section is the easiest section when compared with the other two, it consists of memory based questions. J D Lee includes multiple-choice questions which are really good for students preparing for NEET. Organic section needs practice and revision.
- NCERT Chemistry textbooks for Class XI and XII
- Physical Chemistry by OP Tandon
- ABC of Chemistry for Classes 11 and 12 by Modern
- Concise Inorganic Chemistry by JD Lee
- Dinesh Chemistry Guide
- Practise books by VK Jaiswal (Inorganic), MS Chauhan (Organic) and N Awasthi (Physical)

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