Question : Physical education programmes are structured in such a way that they teach the essential unity in the diversity of national life, and games and sports try to inculcate in them the essential qualities of communal harmony and fellow feelings. Youth festivals of sports and similar competitions organized throughout the country will go a long way in harmonising their thoughts and efforts. In fact playgrounds are laboratories of the society where socially useful actions can be moulded, refined and human approach to life can be practiced. For building up a new generation of men and women committed to the process of national and international integration, and appropriate training and motivation of the individuals is imperative. All this is possible through the medium of sound programmes of physical education, games and sports, which act as a dynamic charging- force- never compromising with the status quo of the traditional thinking, attitudes and habits. Undoubtedly, Sports and games play a vital role in strengthening national as well as international understanding.
Playgrounds are laboratories of society where:
Option 1: Human approach to life is developed
Option 2: Actions are moulded
Option 3: Actions are refined
Option 4: All the above
Correct Answer: All the above
Solution : In fact, playgrounds are the laboratories of the society where socially useful actions can be molded refined and a human approach to life can be practiced.