Placement of electronic engineering
Hey Abbas,
Here is the full review about College to take right decision,
Overall the college is the best in Pune after COEP. Though the campus is not that great but the other facilities and opportunities are very good. The placements actually depend on the branch you have chosen. I have done EnTC engineering from there so will be commenting relating to that department though some of the points are common for all branches.
ACADEMICS: The college has good teachers and many of them are really dedicated to their work. Equal importance is given to the Praccticals and lab sessions of the respective subjects so that students can understand better. The lab exams are also conducted quite strictly. The teachers are always willing and ready to clear doubts and help you understand the subject better.
PROJECTS: According to the college rule u are supposed to complete a mini project every semester in a group of 4. Every group is allotted a teacher who is the guide for ur project and will help as well as evaluate u throughout the semester. This feature encourages students to apply their theorotical knowledge and also helps increase innovation and research.
FOREIGN OPPORTUNITIES: The college has a tie up with a few universities in Canada and Hoff university in Germany. The students, if selected get to spend a semester there and learn in that college. It is a great opportunity to expand ur learning horizon and turns out to be a great experience.
INTERNSHIPS: VIT has always encouraged students to take up internships. They also allow u to take up a semester ling internship in ur final semester. They are thinking of making it compulsory for every student but that rule has not come into effect yet.
PLACEMENTS: The point which interests most people. If u compare it with the number of companies coming for comp dept they will surely be lesser, but overall the placement statistics for entc are pretty good and better than many colleges. That average package is arnd 4 lakhs per annum but it all depends on you. A good student may even land a package of 16 lakhs per annum.
All the best!