Please give me the timetable to prepare for JEE MAIN in upcoming 6 months to get 270+ in JEE MAIN i go colleg at 8 and come at 6 in evening
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How to prepare for JEE Main 2020 in 6 months
Exam blues! Not if you know the rules
Step 1 - Be friendly with the pattern of JEE
Step 2 - Topics and subjects are the other aspects
Step 3 - Books are your best friends - choose them wisely
Step 4 - The better your plan, chances are you can
Step 5 - Manage your time so your preparation is fine
Step 6 - Practice more such that success is yours
Step 7 - All study and no play will result in a dull day so take time off everyday
Step 1 - Friends you should be with the pattern of JEE
To prepare JEE Main 2020 in 6 months in a fast track manner, you should be well versed with the pattern of the exam. Total questions will be 90 in number with 30 each from physics, chemistry and mathematics. There is negative marking so, guesswork is out. Understand the JEE Main exam pattern 2020 to plan your exam day on what to attempt first and what next, how to tackle questions you are unsure of.
2. Topics and subjects are the other aspects
If you want to crack JEE Main 2020 exam in 6 months, you should know what topics and subjects you have to cover. JEE Main syllabus is very similar to the syllabus of class 11 and 12 so this is a plus point because you study these in school and at home too. Since there are no two different syllabi, its an advantage as preparation for board and JEE Main 2020 can be done at the same time. Go through JEE Main 2020 syllabus before starting your preparation and identify your weak areas and strong areas. Focus on the weak ones and strengthen the already strong ones.
3. Books are a persons best friend
While NCERT is good to base your concepts on, that extra bits come from good reference books. Selection of the reference books matters. Don't opt for books whose language is difficult to understand. Go for simple books or study material that come with good instructions and solutions. The books to be referred while preparing for JEE Main 2020 in 6 months are as follows.
4. The better your plan, chances are you can
Winning comes on the heels of good planning. Since preparation for JEE Main in 6 months is not a joke, a fool proof study plan is essential. So how to make one? Check the following guidelines
How to crack JEE Main 2020 in 6 months?
Divide the total time period into two stages -
Stage 1 (first 4 months) - Study the chapters, practice the questions and numerical problems
Stage 2 (last two months)- Simply revise everything you learnt.
Timing matters so give equal time to all subjects.
Tips for JEE Main Maths - Avoid studying much of theory for maths. Practice the problems more.
Tips for Physics - Choose chapters of physics in which only numerals are asked, this way you will practise only relevant problems.
Note down important formulas, derivations, theorems as short notes and refer to them whenever necessary. These are quick revision guides when required.
Always do the chapter tests after finishing a chapter. This rule should be followed even for units such that you go for unit tests after completing one.
Make your own handwritten notes that will be beneficial during revision.
Since, JEE Main has numerical problems to a large extent, it is wise to solve as many as possible. Check the past year papers to get an idea of the type of questions.
5. Manage your time so your preparation is fine
Time is of essence especially if your goal is to prepare for JEE Main 2020 in 6 months. How you manage your time and study has an impact on your cracking JEE Main in 6 months. The first step to this is to make a good timetable and stick to it religiously.
Important points while making the JEE Main timetable
Make sure you have time slotted for studying the chapter then practising it and finally revising it at a later point.
Its ok if you cant make week long or month long plans. Just plan your days such that you divide your day where you have 4 hours of study each for physics and mathematics and 3 hours for chemistry.
Once you are done with your studying the chapter, practice questions and also revise what you have studied. Before you sleep, plan for the next day.
Include 6-7 hours of sleep in your time table as well as leisure time to ease your brain.
6. Practice more such that success is yours
JEE Main sees more than 12 lakh students appear for it annually. Considering that it is a huge exam, it is a fact that the questions asked in it are varied. To understand better what type and which topics, it's a good idea to practise from the JEE Main question papers of the previous years. The difficulty levels are easily understood and you get an in depth measure of how best to prepare for JEE Main in 6 months.
7. All study and no play will result in a dull day
While studying is fine and essential, it's also equally important to be fit and motivated. This can come only when you take care of yourself. Eat well, sleep well and study well. Worrying won't help the cause nor will it aid in preparing better.
It's important to schedule some leisure time and rest periods in your JEE Main preparation plan. While studying is important, it is also vital to take care of oneself to be able to cope up with the intense study period. So make sure that this is part of your how to prepare for JEE Main 2020 in 6 months plan.
Some other tips that are crucial in JEE Main preparation
You are the best judge of how your study should be so dont go by generic plans. Instead tweak the JEE Main preparation in 6 months plan to suit you.
Dont compare with others. It will only be a waste of time and probably demotivate you.
If you are a people person, go in for group studies with the right kind of friends who are as serious as you are on cracking JEE Main 2020.
Dont discuss your study plans, schedule unless its with the faculty or a senior who is helping you prepare.
Dont procrastinate. Do what you have to do and complete the schedule as per the JEE Main preparation plan.
You have 6 months and its plenty of time if you use it judiciou
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