Please help me how to get a rank in NEET and CET
in case you are doing self study a book like op Agarwal and chemistry will help me with the portions of molar concepts, atomic structure, carbon compounds, block elements and chemical kinetics while a book like Arihant in physics will help you with the numericals and concept based problems of mechanics, thermodynamics, modern physics and electromagnetism while a book like Truman or Dinesh biology will help me with the portions of microbiology, biotechnology animal physiology and genetics.
you are advised to make notes of all the important chapters in copies and go to the formulae, flowchart and life cycles of physics, chemistry and biology respectively in different copies and dedicate around 3 hours in the morning to biology,3 hours in the afternoon to physics and around 2 hours in the evening or night to chemistry on a daily basis to keep yourself well versed
needless to say you will have to be given as many more consecutive amination is you can to help yourself with the time management and question selection skills to minimise negative marking and reap efficient benefits from your available potential at the examination
Thank you
To score maximum marks with a good rank in both these competitive exams, you need to be thorough with the syllabus from complete- NCERTs of all 3 subjects- PCB. Your basics should be strong and concepts should be clear. And for this you need to refer NCERT only.
Physics- 'Maximum practice = maximum marks'
The more you practice questions- the more it'll widen your brain for the concept levels. Prepare formulae chart for all the chapters and write and learn whenever you take a break from studies. Do not let those few minutes of break go waste.. rather make use of it.
Refer HC Verma book for basics and question practicing- topicwise given illustrations and questions.
Do revise your work regularly. Practice at least last 5 years question papers so that you'll get enough idea of the question-pattern-level + the logic where and when to be applied and most importantly time management calculation. Hope you're getting my point.!
For Chemistry- NCERT is a must.
Organic Chemistry- You should be thorough with the nomenclature-rules. Go for the important chapters topics first.. having high weight age. Every year around 12-15 questions are asked from the organic part. So keep it strong on the mechanisms- reactions- examples as questions are asked from them.
Inorganic chemistry part- Direct line questions are asked and so NCERT should be on tips for maximum scoring in this part.
Physical Chemistry- note down the formulae with conditions given in the NCERT and Practice questions. This way you'll get an idea of the applications of the formulae.
(Many times it happens that students study the physical chemistry chapters and learn the formulae too-- but because of no or less practice- they are not able to solve questions in the exam because they don't know the formulae applications + related logic where and when to be applied according to the condition given in the question >> so make a note of this).
Lastly biology- the most scoring subject if you're completely thorough with the NCERT and have read it for minimum 2-3 times. Go through
the classifications-
the examples-
biological cycles-
the name of the scientists/founders
the years (figures/numbers)
the tables and lastly the summary part given at the end of each chapter.
Maximum number of questions are asked from the above given points. So, do not leave these or keep for end time-- rather prepare keyword type notes - separate book which will help you till the end for easy and quick revision.
Hardly months are left and all you need to do is smart work if you want to score good and get admission in your desired college.
Hope this helps.!
Prepare well and study smart.!
All the Bestt.!
For any further information-queries you can ask here at Careers360 anytime.!
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