Latest: Maharashtra HSC Time Table 2025 Released: Direct Link
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Hi aspirant.
Maharashtra Education board earlier this year had reduced the syllabus for the acaedmic session 2021-22 by 30 percent. Though the entire syllabus is available on the official website, for your ease I am giving the direct links to download the PDF's below:
Subject Name
Download Link
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Mathematics and Statistics
Hope it helps!!
You have tagged Maharashtra board.
You can download Maharashtra Board class 12th HSC 2021-2022 syllabus by visiting our page the link for the same is provided below:-
This syllabus will be very helpful in your preparation because it will let you know the topics and chapters which are included in your examination , so go well through your syllabus and plan your studies so that you can score well in your board examination.
And yes , try to complete your whole syllabus at least a month before of your board examination so that you can give your last one month for practicing mock test papers and revision .
To help you further,
Here are some tips to excel in your hsc board examination:-
-----------------) Go well through your textbooks
-----------------) While covering the syllabus, make revision a part of your routine.
-----------------) Practice at least 10 years previous year question papers
-----------------) Solve at least 3 to 5 mock test papers for each subject to ace your board examination
Thank you
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