Please tell about the subject covered for MA Political science and sociology
You havent mentioned the Exam for which you are lookung for the subjecrs. However in General, for Sociology, the students are expected to have a fair understanding of topics like Thinkers, Basic Concepts and Social Institutions, Tools and Technology of Research Methodology, Social Structure and Social change, Social stratification, Gender, Class, Caste, Tribe, Disability, Economy and Society, State, Polity and Society, Family, Marriage and Kinship, Religion, Environment and Society, Social Movements, Social Issues, Understanding Indian society, Modernisation, Globalisation and Development. The official website doesnt mention anything about negative marking.
And for political science, Social and Political thoughts of Modern India, Wesrern Polutical thought, Concepts and Approaches in Political Theory, Constitutions and Political Institutions of India, State and Policies of India, Political processes and public policies in India, Comparitive Government and Policies and International relations are covered.