Please tell me everything about to persue msc zoology at VANSTHALI VIDYAPITH 2020.!!
i hope you are doing well so you are asking about M.S.c in zoology at banasthali vidyapith , this university do not offer such course what they do offer in M.S.c are listed below
1. M.S.c applied microobiology and biotechnology
2. M.S.c informatics
3. M.S.c biological science
4. M.S.c biotechnology
5. M.S.c chemistry
6. M.S.c computer science
7. MS.c electronics
8. MS.c environment science
9. M.S.c geography
10. M.S.c home science
11. M.S.c mathematical sciences
12. M.S.c physics
if you want to pursue the same course you may need to look other colleges/ university offering the same
good luck!
Check the list of courses-