Earlier, Neet was scheduled to be conducted on July 26, 2020. But to rise in Covid patients, Neet was postponed to September. Then the authority announced their exam date, i.e. Neet will be now conducted on September 13, 2020 maintaining all safety measures and social distancing rules. But many students are requesting to postpone Jee Main and Neet over social medias so Two PILs were filed where one part was requesting to postpone these exams while some were wanting not to delay anymore. And Supreme Court had decided that the exams will not he postponed anymore. These exams have been delayed already. However an advocate has written letter to the Prime Minister for postponing the Jee Main and Neet based on many parents' and students' urge. But the chance of postponement is very less. Now in a press meeting, NTA has also announced that these two exams won't be postponed again. So Neet is scheduled for September 13 and will be conducted on the same day. Less than one month is left for it. And the admit cards will be released 15 days prior to the examination. Now focus more on the important chapters, give mock tests regularly and find out your weak areas and work on them.