Please tell me when And how to take admission in IGNOU for ma economics
Hello aspirant.
IGNOU- Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) ,is one of the leading Universities in India offers high-quality teaching through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode . The Open University offers high-quality, innovative and need-based programs at different levels, to all those who require them; IGNOU Programs are Cost effective and are offered through open and distance learning in the country . IGNOU is among the Top Distance Learning Universities in India. Students from all over the country take admission in this university and attend classes in IGNOU Learning Centers in varios cities. There is a range of Courses offered by IGNOU in undergradate and post graduate levels.To get admission in IGNOU first you have to decide in which month you have to give exam as IGNOU offers 2 semester or one is in January and the other one is in June.To get admission in June attempt you have to fill the registration form which are now available on site and after that university will further contact you regarding the course.