Please tell some important topics and books for bitsat
For Bitsat first clear your basics from NCERT and also prepare from your jee books,once you are done with all these than start Solving Self Study Guide for Online BITSAT book by Arihant publications.
While solving the questions just keep the time limit in your mind, you can do one thing while solving questions you can set timer in clock to check your accuracy & time taken to solve the archivef questions in the chapter...
After completion of your syllabus , Start giving mock tests ,you can join mock test of any coaching institutions or some online jee preparation websites ,take tests seriously and give them like you are facing real exams...
Hope if you got your answer, Do upvote the answer if it helped you...
Best of luck for your future endeavours!!!
Rajdeep Sinha

There are no particular books for cracking bitsat exam.
Bitsat exam is a combo of both PCM plus the english, so you need to prepare yourself accordingly.
If you go for coaching then the package provided for IIT exams are sufficient as the level is little less than IIT. And for English focus on basics for the sentence correction part, hence I would suggest "wren n Martin-english"
And vocabulary building practisces from newspaper and novels.
Do revise your formulaes prior to exam date and manage your time.
All the very best.
The Best book for preparing BITSAT is:
A Complete Success Package for Online BITSAT 2018 (With CD) : Comprehensive Coverage of NCERT Syllabus for Classes 11 and 12 (English) 4th Edition by Arihant Publication.
The imp topics for BITSAT:
MATHEMATICS - Circles (11%), Straight lines (7%), Pair of straight lines (7%), Vectors (6%), Continuity & Differentiability (6%), Differential Equation (4%), Complex Numbers (4%), Theory of Equation (4%), Binomial Theorem (4%), Sets, Relations & Functions (4%), Trigonometric Equations (3%), Properties of Triangles (3%), Probability (3%), Application of Derivates (3%), Matrices Determinants (3%).
PHYSICS - Heat & Thermodynamics (10%), Magnetic effect of current & magnetism (9%), Wave Motion (6%), Current Electricity (6%), Electrostatics (5%), Simple Harmonic Motion (5%), Wave Optics (5%), Fluids (5%), Rotational Motion (4%), Work, Energy, Power (4%), Elasticity (4%), Ray Optics (4%), Units, Dimension, Errors (3%), Gravitation (3%), Alternating Current (3%).
CHEMISTRY - Chemical Bonding (10%), Biomolecules (6%), Carboxylic Acid & its derivates (6%), Atomic Structure (6%), p-block elements (6%), Mole Concepts (6%), Alkanes, Alkenes & Alkynes (5%), Electrochemistry (5%), Chemical Thermodynamics (5%), Solid State (4%), Chemical Equilibrium (4%), General Organic Chemistry (4%), s-block elements (4%), Ionic Equilibrium (3%), Chemical Kinetics (3%).
arihant Bitsat book is the best companion for preparation a nd it will be more than enough if you solve that book properly. It covers all important topics for PCM and English:
Organic Chemistry
Bitsat is highly inclined towards academics. If you study properly and strategically you can crack it. Bits important topics for physics, maths, chemistry, English and logical are
- Electricity, current
- Trigonometry
- Organic chemistry
- Synonymous and antonyms
- Logical reasoning
- Book: arihat Bitsat book is the best book and you don't need to look to any other resource if you solve that book. It is the best market and efficient too.
Good luck.
Heat & Thermodynamics, Magnetism and Wave Motion Chemical bonding, Atomic structure, p-block elements, Carboxylic acid & its Derivates, Mole Concepts,redox reaction, surface chemistry, solutions & polymers, gaseous state, Circles, Straight Lines and Vectors were the most important topics which are regularly asked in bitsat. I experienced many questions from these topics when I gave the exam.
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