pls clear my big confusion i am completely confused to choose group in 11th whether bio maths(pcmb) or maths CS (pcm computer science)?? i am interested to go gor chemical engineering ,forensic and like to learn radiations ....pls suggest me best group to me ?????

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world world 9th Aug, 2020
Answers (2)
Parmeshwar Suhag 18th Sep, 2020

Dear Student ,

The best option for you from these two is PCMB. As you want to pursue Chemical Engineering , research , forensic and  radiations than you should definitely go for PCMB . For this you have to prepare for JEE Mains and JEE Advance . These are engineering entrance exams held after 12th class .

  • By JEE Mains , you are able to get admission in various institutes like NIT's , IIIT's , GFTI's etc . You can take chemical engineering branch there and do your research .
  • By JEE Advance , you are able to get admission in IIT's . There you can also take chemical engineering , forensic branch to do your research work .

Alos getting admission to these prestigious institutes will also provide you an environment , where you can explore research field . You will get full support from highly qualified professors . So along with PCMB you should prepare for these exams . Three subjects came in test of JEE Mains and Advance that are Physics , Chemistry and Maths . So go to NIT's , IIT's and do your favourite work .

Hope it helps.

Comments (4)
18th Sep, 2020
Thank you so much can I go do all types of courses after pcmb because I am quite interested in CS also and chemical so I am too confused pls guide me 🙋🙏🏻I am forgot scientific names how to manage that
18th Sep, 2020
Thank you so much can I do all types of courses after pcmb.... because I have quite interested in CS related .....and also chemical engineering ...i am too confused ....pls guide me 🙏🏻🙋I forgot scientific names so pls tell how to manage that....All are telling that pcmb is tough and not able to manage and again you get too confused on choosing career after 12th ....is this true or not....then how to manage this and how to become topper in pcmb
19th Sep, 2020
world world You can only choose one branch in engineering colleges , either you can choose Chemical or you can choose CS. And it totally depends on your rank in JEE Mains and Advance.
19th Sep, 2020
world world In my viewpoint , if you like chemicals and want to research there , then you should choose Chemical Engineering branch . Rather than that being a CE student , you can study whatever you want . You will get full support from your seniors as well as from your teachers .
bhilalaaman001 18th Sep, 2020
I think you go for pcmb..it is the best option

1 Comment
Comments (1)
18th Sep, 2020
Thank you so much....can I do all types of courses after pcmb... because I am too confused...pls guide me.....I am quite interested in CS also and chemical engineering......pls help me 🙏🏻🙋I forgot scientific names pls tell me how to manage that ....All are telling that pcmb is tough and not able to manage and again you get over confused only ....is this true or pls tell how to manage this
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