portions for neet and weightages for each chapter?
In Physics, . The important topics are Mechanics, ElectroDynamics, Modern Physics, Heat and Thermodynamics, Optics, Simple Harmonic Motion, Waves. Formulae form an integral part of your preparation. The important topics are Optics, Ray Optics, Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Electronic Devices, Electrostatics, Electric Charges and Fields, Thermodynamics, Electrostatic Potential, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic induction, Alternating current, Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter. Highest weightage goes to Optics at 10%. Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Electronic devices share 9%. Current Electricity and Electromagnetic induction, Alternating current take 8%. Dual Nature of Radiation gets 6% while Motion systems of rigid particles and body and Magnetic effects of Currents, Electromgentic waves and Magentism get 5%. Work, Energy and Power take 4%, Atoms and nuclei, Oscillation and Waves, Properties of Bulk Matter, Laws of Motion and Kinematics share 3% and the rest of the topics carry 2% weightage. In Chemistry, Coordination points get 9% of weightage. Thermidynamics takes the 8% and Equilibrium takes the 6% weightage slots respectively. Chemical Bonding and Organic structure carries the 5% weightage slot and rest of the topics carry 2-3% weightage in the exam paper.Chemical Bonding, Molecular structure, Solutions, Block Elements, Alcholos, Phenols and Ehters. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids are important topics. In Biology, Diversity of Living Organisms has 14% weightage. Structural Organisationi n Plants and Animals takes 5%. Plant Physiology has 6% and Cell Structure and Function has 9%. Human Physiology has 20% weightage. Reproduction chapter has 9% and Genetics and Evolution has 18% weightage. Biology and Human Welfare has 9% weightage. Biology and its application has 4% weightage and Ecology and Environment has 6% weightage.
Now this was what an analysis that was followed until NEET 2020. But the MHRD did announce that NEET 2021 will be conducted with a reduced and revised syllabus which means, this whole pattern might change. What might help you in your NEET preparation is our NEET Knockout package: https://learn.careers360.com/knockout-neet-may/
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