profit of doctor is better or ias
Talking about the job profiles either its DOCTOR or IAS OFFICER , they both are quite reputed and significant in their own fields. It toally depends on you what you want to be in life or what is more important or in which your interests lie.
If you give importance to money than both the profession has quite a high pay scale.
- Its true that a career in medical like DOCTORS is nice and valuable. As far as we all know that doctors are very high paid in India.
- On the other hand an IAS officer is 'A' grade job in India ,you can say at the top of government jobs , in doctors profession you can expect some things like high salary and reputation but an IAS officer's job is very much more than these little things ,after IAS exams eligible candidates are appointed as SDM, revenue officer ,DM ,ADM,CDO and they control the whole district they get administration power ,salary , respect , government facilities they get everything moreover you get a chance to serve your country.
There are many examples of Doctors who turned to be an IAS officer. So its totally your choice to be a doctor or an IAS officer. As if you dreamt of being a doctor you can go for that and after your medical if you want to go for IAS it is also possible.
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