Puc marks are also considered for kcet and if I get 90 percent in puc and 100 to 120 marks in kcet then how much my rank would be and will I
achha achha bahut achha bhai
your ranl will be 420
your rank will be 1,00,000 heheheheh
Yes your second PUC marks are considered for KCET and also play a vital role in your CET ranking.
KCET Marks: Marks obtained in physics, chemistry and mathematics will be added and the maximum marks is 180.
KCET rank(engineering) : KCET rank will be calculated by considering the performances in KCET and QE (quallifying examination) as well.I will explain with an example ,let us assume that u have scored 131/180 in KCET and 288/300 in QE,then your % marks in KCET is 72.77% and in QE it is 96% now they will add this two( that is, the formula goes like this
Rank will be given
R= {(%KCET+%QE)/200}×100
Any marks above 155 in KCET will guarantee you a rank below 1000 ..
All the best!!

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