qualities od south campus of du over north campus
Hi Ankit
First of all I would like to tell you that North Campus is way too hyped and south campus colleges are under rated.
When you will be finally graduated, college name won't be mentioned in the mark sheet except in case of St. stephens or Jesus and Mary College.
There's no such comparison between colleges of North campus and South campus. The faculty of every college is well qualified and experienced. The difference arises in the case of campus exposure, environment and infrastructure.
South campus colleges are good but are under rated as I've mentioned. The faculty here is amazing. In fact, I believe that qualities of both the campus colleges are somewhat similar. See, we can't choose south campus over north campus or vice versa just on the basis of a single factor because there are things where north campus rules and also there are few factors that makes south campus better than north campus.
When there comes a comparison of the research papers and curriculum books written by professors of both the campuses, then the quality and quantity authored by professor in South campus is more better than in North campus.
As compared to the north campus, South campus is less crowded.
In either of the campuses of Delhi University, the cut off percentage is close to 95% and that is a lot of marks.So just being a part of the University of Delhi either South campus or North campus is a great achievement.
Hope It helped you.
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