Question : Read the following statements of Assertion (A) and Reason(R) and choose the correct alternative:
Assertion (A): Consumer must save environment by avoiding waste,littering and contribution to pollution.
Reason (R): It is a right of consumer to save the environment.
Option 1: Both A and R correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
Option 2: A is correct and R is wrong.
Option 3: A is wrong and R is correct
Option 4: Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Correct Answer:
A is correct and R is wrong.
Solution : It's the consumers responsibility to respect the environment. Consumer is responsbile to save the environment by avoiding waste littering and contribution to pollution. It is not the right of a consumer to save the environment but it's the responsibility of him.
Hence, option B is correct.