If you're looking for directions or steps to reach Sadhu Ashram on Ramgart Road in Aligarh, here’s how you can get there: Steps to Reach Sadhu Ashram, Ramgart Road, Aligarh: Starting Point: Determine your starting point in Aligarh or the nearby area. Use Google Maps: Open Google Maps on your phone or computer. Enter "Sadhu Ashram, Ramgart Road, Aligarh" as your destination. Follow the navigation instructions provided by Google Maps. By Local Transport: Auto-rickshaw/Taxi: Hire an auto-rickshaw or taxi and inform the driver about your destination. Most local drivers should be familiar with Sadhu Ashram. Bus: Check if there are any local buses that operate on Ramgart Road. Ask the bus conductor if the bus stops near Sadhu Ashram. Landmarks to Look For: As you approach Ramgart Road, look for local landmarks that might help you confirm you’re on the right path, such as known shops, temples, or schools nearby. Ask for Directions: If you're unsure, ask locals for directions to Sadhu Ashram on Ramgart Road. It's a known location in the area. Final Destination: Once you reach Ramgart Road, Sadhu Ashram should be easy to spot. Look for any signage or ask nearby people to guide you to the exact location. If you need detailed directions from a specific location or more information about Sadhu Ashram, feel free to ask