L N Medical College is one of the top Private Medical Colleges of MP. And MP is not an Open State and so if you belong you cannot appear for MP State Counselling unless you have MP's State domicile. Private Medical Colleges do not participate in All India Counselling and the seats are filled through State Counselling alone. And for appearing for State Counselling you need to hold the domicile of that particular State. The 85% State Quota and Private Colleges are filled by the respective State Authorities. And there are 3 Categories in Private Medical Colleges. Category A is the Government Quota Seats. And only candidates of the home State are eligible to apply for these seats. B Category seats are also called Management Quota Seats and they are filled through State Counselling and the remaining seats are filled through direct Admissions by contacting the College directly provided the Candidate has registered for the respective State Counselling and has not been able to secure a seat in the Counselling. Here the fees is usually nothing less than 40 lakhs. The last Category is NRI seats Category and you cannot apply for that.