shaikh comes under which category in Central level caste certificate
Shaik catagory central OBC eligible (or) not eligible please call back me
Sheikh,Syed,Khan comes under general category in UP,Bihar also in central list.
Sheikh General Caste is subdivided into some other subgroups
1.Siddiqui Sheikh (claim themselves as the descendent of Hazrat Abu Bakr ra) eg- Maulana kaleem Siddiqui
2.Farooqui Sheikh (Claim themselves as the descendent of Hazrat Umar Farooq) -Maulana Abdul Aleem Farooqui
3.Usmani Sheikh (Claim themselves as the descendent of Hazrat Usman Ghani ra) - Mufti Taqi Usmani
So this all comes under Sheikh caste and are of Arab origin
Kidwai Sheikh (a Turkish tribe came to India during medieval period)
Then Many upper caste Hindus like Brahmin, kayastha, patel, some rajputs who reverted to Islam also took the title of Sheikh.
Note: There are some groups who belong to lower caste Muslims like Dhobi,Manihar,Julaha,Chudihyara,kalal,Dhuniya,teli etc started using the title “siddiqi” Somewhere in 70–80s in India mostly in Uttar Pradesh just just because they face some kind of discrimination and so they decided to use this title but they all comes under OBC category and not under ( Sheikh Siddiqui ) .
Overall there's no casteism in Islam these all things are just you can that it's a family lineage in Islam what really matter is your deeds (amaal) no matter what's your ethnicity,color,family etc for example if you're a son of any Mufti and still you are doing all the wrong things and another person who is a son of carpenter or Rikshawala but he's following Islam strictly then in the eyes of Allah he's more close than the son of Mufti.

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First of all there's no caste in Islam and these thing's like Syed,Sheikh,Khan,Ansari etc you can say these as family lineage, in Islam anyone from any caste can lead Salah,Can become Imam of Masjid,what really matter in Islam is your deeds(amaal) no matter what's your family lineage.
Now come to the point so Shaikh,Sheikh,Shaykh,Sheik,Shaik all are same just a different way of writing.
Now sheikh's is subdivided some other subgroups
1.Siddiqui Sheikh (claim themselves to be the descendent of Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A) - eg Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui
2.Usmani Sheikh (Claim themselves as the descendent of Hazrat Usman Ghani Ra) - Mufti Taqi Usmani
3.Farooqui Sheikh (Claim themselves as the descendent of Hazrat Umar Farooq Ra) -Mawlana
Abdul Aleem Farooqui
So they claim themselves as Arab Lineage
4.Kidwai Sheikh (A Turkish tribe who came to India during Mediecal Period) - MJ Kidwai
Then many upper caste Hindus like Brahmin,Patel in Gujarat,Maharashtra,Khastriya,Some Rajputs also took the title of Sheikh after accepting Islam.
Now I would also like to clear one confusion in UP many lower caste muslims like Dhobi,Julaha,Teli,Chudihara,Dhuniya,Badahi,kalal,etc starts using the title “Siddiqi” somewhere between in 70s-80s just because they face somekind of discrimination so they all decided to took this title of Upper caste Muslims i.e Siddiqi but they comes under OBC and are not Sheikh.
Firstly In Islam every person is equal there is no caste and category in Islam. Sheikh meaning is Arabic Scholar in Islam descendants of Abu Bakr Siddiqe (R.A). However in India the the people who has been reverted from Rajputs and Brahmin they call themselves Sheikh or Shaikh Siddiqui.
Hello .
Muslim Sheikh belongs to the BCE category under OBC cast in Central list. They enjoy 4% reservation as there is no specific reservation for OBC A,B,C,D,E. Sheikh is a word which in Arabic language means elder. Commonly used to mention a elder of a tribe, a revered wise man, an Islamic scolar. In India members of kayastha community was converted to Islam, the bulk of community.of sheik originated from this converted community. In India this sheik community is included in OBC category in Central list.
Hope this will help