SIBM Pune vs VGSOM for MBA in Operations?
Answer (1)
Management has major domains like Finance, Operations, Strategy, Marketing, Information Technology, Human Resource and other minor domains.
Industrial and Operational Management is a part of Operations Management domain which come under the large umbrella of Management.
Work experience is one of the crucial parameters expected (not mandatory) aspects of any operational management aspirants opting for any college.
SBIM Pune is one of renowned colleges in Pune for MBA. It's cutoff lies around 75+ SNAP percentile. It does have a good reputation and infrastructure for MBA program. On the other hand VGSOM, being a child of IIT KGP, it has the great infrastructure and reach better than SIBM. But track record of Placements for SIBM shows greater than VGSOM.
Overall both the colleges seem good, but it's your decision that which factor is more important for you, like infrastructure, education quality, placements, location etc and then make decision.
Hope this helps.
All the best!
Management has major domains like Finance, Operations, Strategy, Marketing, Information Technology, Human Resource and other minor domains.
Industrial and Operational Management is a part of Operations Management domain which come under the large umbrella of Management.
Work experience is one of the crucial parameters expected (not mandatory) aspects of any operational management aspirants opting for any college.
SBIM Pune is one of renowned colleges in Pune for MBA. It's cutoff lies around 75+ SNAP percentile. It does have a good reputation and infrastructure for MBA program. On the other hand VGSOM, being a child of IIT KGP, it has the great infrastructure and reach better than SIBM. But track record of Placements for SIBM shows greater than VGSOM.
Overall both the colleges seem good, but it's your decision that which factor is more important for you, like infrastructure, education quality, placements, location etc and then make decision.
Hope this helps.
All the best!
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