Sir I am currently studying in 3rd year(I.T).I want you ask whether I join offline classes or online classes for gate preparation.
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hi Aspirants,
According to my point of view, you should join offline coaching.
SO i am giving you some advanatage and disadvantage of offline classes.
The advantages of offline classrooms:
1. The process of learning is not isolated.
2. There is an instructor or a teacher present at all times to answer the student's queries.
3.Exchange of ideas and views in offline classrooms is "real-time" and effective.
4.Probability of learning is high. As there are other students learning along and sharing knowledge.
5.Any doubts and problems can be solved immediately.
6.The true form of learning is where there is involvement of people sharing and receiving knowledge without delay. And this is achieved in a conventional offline classroom.
Disadvantages of offline classrooms:
1.It is not completely an independent way of learning.
2.The students tend to be overly dependent on the teacher for every detail.
3.Travel expenses, accommodations etc must be taken care of, if the student hails from a place where there is no school or educational institution.
4.The learning is confined to fixed timings. It can only occur between the classroom's timings.
5.Chances of exploring more and finding things out for themselves from the students is limited.
Therefore, each has its own pros and cons. When the distance and funding is considered, online classes are much better than offline classes. If there is no issue with the distance and expenses, offline classes are a much better choice . Hence, as per a student's convenience these types of classes are effective in their own ways.
hope it will help you to choose your way.

Hii Munna Singh,
As you are in 3rd year of BTech ,You have enough time to prepare for GATE exam.You better start your preparation at the earliest possible time whether it is offline or online.
As GATE exam is 80% of the syllabus is related to Technical and remaining 20% is non technical(Aptitude).So you better take offline coaching because the technical knowledge can be better understood through direct learning.If it is non technical I,e Aptitude ,you can easily understand through Online mode also.
So join in any good institute as soon as possible and complete the GATE syllabus then you can can have more time to practice during your college days.
Thank you.
Based on your convenience you can join classes.
In my opinion online classes are best as here your many time save.
Time such as traveling time, gossip time ,etc saves in online classes.
There are many classes which is online but eclassesbyravindrababuravula is the best for CS/IT.
It is economically cheaper classes than others GATE engineering classes.
Things which you should be focused is of CONSISTENT in online classes.
You should be highly motivated to do online classes.
Overall I go with online classes as online classes have best teacher.
Online classes also have full course dont too much worry about it.
If you have any questions remain than comment below.
Hi Munna, it is a good decision that you have decided to take classes from third year for GATE. It is a very peak time to join classes and correct efforts and hard work can yield to success. However in my opinion, I would say try to join offline classes more than online courses, since you can have alot of advamtages in it. You get a very practical exposure to topics in real and you can clear you doubts then and there in a class and work out as a group in classes. You can also have the advantage of getting exams in the middle which is very helpful in the preparation point of view. You can take down notes, create notes for separate topics and can spend time devoted under a guidance in a classroom. Even though these features can also be done through online as well, it would not be as feasible as offline course would be. A real and face to face exposure has a lot of impact. It would be easy to take up mock tests in a classroom atmosphere and also do analysis and clear doubts easily. In my opinion I would tell, please join offline classes so that you get the right exposure, good study materials, mock tests exposure and so on.
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