Sir I am in class 12 Commerce without Maths and I want to clear CAT. Is this possible to clear CAT without maths?
Of course this is possible! But you need to put in that extra effort as you are from non maths background. Start preparing if you have'nt yet. Do not forget to take the mocks and analyze them on a regularly basis(ideally 1 per week)
Dear Abhishek
CAT is an aptitude test. It does not ask students to mug up formulas and high level of mathematics. CAT is all about class 10th level mathematics except Permutation and combination (which is class11th topic). You just need to learn all the baics concepts and revise them regularly.
So, yes you can clear CAT Exam even if you dont have Mathematics in your class 12th.
Thank You
All the Best

Hi Abhishek,
Maths is not a mandatory subject to be eligible for appearing in CAT. You are eligible to appear for CAT regardless of your class 12 stream or age.
Please take a look at the details of CAT eligibility criteria in this article:
CAT Eligibility Criteria 2018

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