Sir i have given 10 exam this year i want to join computer programming but i am low in mathematics but fine in science sir can i join this ?
Answer (1)
Low in Mathamatics is not problem in Computer programming.The Need for Computer programming is your Aptitude level..How Fast you can think How much Your Intellectual skills were developed.How easily You can find Solution.?How can you think Out of the box?..
In Computer programming if You will go for Artificial Intelligent or Big Data Analysis Then Mathamatics will be hurdle for Hmyou..But if you will go for some language like C,C++,Java,Python,Android,PHP then Mathamatics is not needed for that..
In Computer programming if You will go for Artificial Intelligent or Big Data Analysis Then Mathamatics will be hurdle for Hmyou..But if you will go for some language like C,C++,Java,Python,Android,PHP then Mathamatics is not needed for that..
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