Jiya, more than the no.of hours you study, what matters is the quality of the knowledge you have gained in a time frame. For example, you may study for 14hours at a stretch but remember nothing of what you have studied. On the other hand, you might have only studied wfor 4 hours with focus and you remember everything. Its how you study that matters more than how long you have studied. So you need to take small gaps of 10-15 mins every 90 mins and keep changing the subjects. Say for example from 9am to 10.30am you study Biology, you take a break of 10 mins and then switch to Physics. Study for the next 90 mins and then break for lunch. And then come back and study Chemistry. That way the brain doesn't feel monotonous and it feels challenged. You too wont feel bored reading tjhe same subject. Every Sunday in the morning, attempt a mock test and take a break in the evening. That way you also destress your brain. To help you with NEET preparation, we have NEET Knockout packages: https://learn.careers360.com/knockout-neet-may/