Sir mujhe IBS (ICFAI) ke baare me btao yha se MBA Krna kitna sahi hoga iski information ache se btana sir
Hello Rakeeb Ahmed,
I'm a current year IBS Hyderabad student . I'll be able to answer your question better.
ICFAI Business School (IBS) has total 9 campuses but according to my opinion only IBS Hyderabad is bertter amongst all campus.
Reason IBS Hyd offers MBA Degree , rest givres PGPM Cetificate which does not account much.
If you want to come in IBS Hyderabad , theres a btach strength of around 1000. You need to be in top 35% of batch is good.
If you think you could be in top 35% of batch , you can come here, else no.
PLacement is quite good with median around 6.5-7.5 , average around 7.5-8.5L.
Overall is good in terms of continous learning and case study method and practical approach for study along with 32 clubs for enhancement.
hope your doubts are cleared
All the best.

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There 1L scholarship per sem those who come in top 3.
Rest there is no scholarship as such.
Hi Rakeed,
IBS or ICFAI Business School is a renowned MBA institute. It has 9 campuses across India - Hyderabad, Bangalore, Dehradun, Pune, Mumbai, Gurgaon, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, and Kolkata. As per the rankings, IBS Hyderabad and Bangalore are ranked above in comparison to other campuses.
IBS conducts the MBA entrance exam named IBSAT for admission to its management programs. Check more details about the exam - All about IBSAT
The average salary offered to MBA students at IBS Hyderabad is around Rs. 6.40 lakhs. Please check the official website of the institute for more details on placements.
Good luck.
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