sir my gate marks 61.79 and gate score is 699 but my percentage is 58.5%. .then any iit college and psu for me..please reply sir/mam.
You can get the exact information regarding your question in a link. Career 360 is up with a specific link where you cab check the availability of colleges in your GATE scored marks 2018. The link is:
Thank you, all the best.

You have scored well.
But unfortunately, you cant get into PSU at this score. For PSU in open Category, your marks must be above 80.
You can get admission in IITs on basis of your GATE score. There are two path to get into IIT after GATE-
Score good and take direct admission on basis of gate marks. No major role of your academics. percentage is only qualification criteria.
But in second option,
Admission in IIT for M.Tech. programme, they invite few candidates having less marks than that direct admission candidate for interview. In this process, Academic performance are considered.
If you want best possible option for you,
Kindly use Career360 College and PSU prediction tool-
Click Here
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