sir my neet score 510 OBC Maharashtra could i get govt medical college or semi plz suggest me name of college
Hello student,
You are expected to get a rank of the range 45570-55720. Since, you fall under the OBC (Other Backward Classes), your category rank will be a bit lower than the above mentioned one. You can apply for the states counselling to get your admission done.
Here,I'm providing you a link which will help you in predicting your college based on the marks you are securing.
Good Luck!
First of all congratulations for you score and it is very difficult to predict about the college as cutoffs changes every year and you should have 550+ neet score to be on the safer side, but still chances remains untill the cutoffs are not released .
You can check the neet college predictor by clicking on the link mentioned below
Do not worry, you have scored good marks according to your category. Few of the college's have not update their cut-offs, so only few colleges are found based on last year cut-offs.
Here are few colleges that offer admission regarding your marks,
- ACPM Medical college
- Ashwini rural Medical college
- Maharashtra institute of medical education and research
You can even Check with this college predictor link which helps you to find the college's which offer admission based on your score
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