Sir Please send CUCET M com , MBA entrance exam syllabus and previous years question papers.
Hello Selbin,
CUCET is conducted for admission to various Programmes offered by Central Universities of Haryana, Jharkhand, Jammu, Karnataka, Kashmir, Kerala, Punjab, Rajasthan, South Bihar and Tamil Nadu along with Bengaluru Dr B.R. Ambedkar School of Economics, Assam University, Silchar and Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar.The candidates must refer to the eligibility criteria of the courses they are applying to and the university they wish to take admission in separately. If you wish to get more information about the exam or want to check out the sample papers, you can check out the link below. Good Luck!
Hello Selbin...!!
This is the exam syllabus for MBA
Quantitative Ability:
- Number Systems
- LCM and HCF
- Percentage
- Profit and Loss
- Interest (Simple and Compound)
- Speed, Time and Distance
- Time and Work
- Average
- Ratio and Proportion
- Linear Equations
- Quadratic Equations
- Complex Numbers
- Logarithm
- Progressions
- Binomial Theorem
- Surds and Indices
- Inequalities
- Permutation and Combination
- Probability
- Functions
- Set Theory
- Mixtures and Alligations
- Geometry
- Co-ordinate Geometry
- Trigonometry
- Mensuration
Data Interpretation:
- Tables
- Bar Graphs
- Column Graphs
- Line Charts
- Pie Charts
- Venn Diagrams
Verbal Ability:
- Types of Questions
- Vocabulary Based (Synonyms Antonyms)
- English Usage or Grammar
- Sentence Correction
- Fill in the blanks
- Close Passage
- Analogies or Reverse Analogies
Jumbled Paragraph
- Meaning-Usage Match
- Summary Questions
- Verbal Reasoning
- Facts / Inferences / Judgements
- Reading Comprehension
Logical Reasoning:
- Introduction to logic
- Syllogism
- Logical Connectives
- Binary Logic
- Logical Sequence and Matching
- Seating Arrangement
- Blood Relations
- Venn Diagrams
- Cubes
- Clocks
- Calendars
- Number
- Letter Series
This is overall syllabus for the MBA exam which you should need to prepare to crack the exams. For the previous question paper you can enroll to the best coaching institutes they can give you the all years question paper whichever you need.
I hope your query is resolved
Feel free to ask for more queries!