Sir pls tell me which is the better career either bams or bhms???
hello jaladanki,
hope you are doing well,now coming to your question
BAMS, of-course has the greater potential than BHMS. Ayurveda is getting an edge over allopathy etc.
When it comes to graduation in Ayurvedic medical science, the students will be taught entire subjects that involve knowledge of this field, inclusive of modern science. In this course, the study load for students will be more as compared to MBBS and BHMS.
In BHMS, students will learn only some areas of modern science, while the other subjects will be mainly focusing on homeopathic medicines. When it comes to study load, it will be equal to MBBS or even slightly more as well. Here, it will be difficult for students to remember different medicines for different conditions as per homeopathic material medical.
please go through the following link for more details
hope this will help you a lot
thank you
BHMS and BAMS are proving to be equally great as a career option, but in my personal opinion, BAMS is better than BHMS, it is gaining more recognition and has great scope in the coming years. The income for BAMS practitioners is also higher.
It is ultimately on you to decide which career would benefit you the most, so choose wisely!
Good luck!

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dear student
BHMS is Bachelor in homeopathy medical and surgery provide you medicines related to homeopathy.Some diseases are such type that can be generally cured in homeopathy
BAMS is Bachelor of ayurveda medical surgery in which we study about ayurveda ,its medicine,related therapy and cure.This field is generally interested when pateint get tired from all types of allopathy and medical surgery and don’t get satisfied from them
Any field is good only as much as the student shows interest in it, be it BAMS or BHMS
Both are good options. Please choose according to your personal interest in the subject. This will help you do better in future beacuse both have same type of demand but diffrent aspects ,scenerio etc..
Hope it helps
All the best!!!