Sir, the exam is to be conducted online or offline?
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Hi Satya Prakash Parida,
Thanks for A2A
In order to join IPM you need to give IPMAT. It is more or less similar to CAT and the preparation can be done in a similar manner. The first three years the student does the B.A.(Foundations in MAnagement) while the next two years they get merged with the 2 year MBA program to complete their 5 year degree. There is lot of preperation material online which you can refer to.
The IPMAT entrance test is also an online exam similar to CAT and is conducted by IIM Indore every year.
All the best
Dear Prakash, IPMAT being conducted by IIM, Indore will be conducted in computer based mode across various test centres in India. The online applications will be released tentatively from March 12th on their official website. Please watch out for the official notification.
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