Sir we belong to BC-D munnur kapu let me know whether we belong to creamy or non creamy layer
I request you to please have a look at the following data and put in your conditions to that so that you would know which category you will belong to-
Before venturing to find whether a particular caste falls under the classification of Backwardness, lets see this notification - “ANNEXURE-II roG.O_ No. SWD 22S BCA 2000 dated 30s March 2OO2 NEW COMpREHENStvE cREAMy LAYER” issued by the Karnataka Government pursuant to the Supreme Court judgment, regarding the Creamy Layer Exception[2]:
Under Article 15(4) and 16(4) of the Constitution of India, the following persons shall not be eligible for reservation of seats of posts categorised under IIA, IIB, IIIA and IIIB.
- This rule applies to son(s) or daughter(s) of the persons specified below:
(a) President of India (b) Vice President of India (c) All functionaries holding Cabinet rank in Government of India or Government-of ' any State or Union Territory (d) -Chairmen of Council of States and the State Legislative Councils (e) Governors of States (f) Speakers of Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies (g) Judges of supreme Court and High Courts (h) Chairmen of Public Service Commission (i) Attorney General of India (j) Advocate General (k) Chief Election Commissioner (l) Comptroller and Auditor General of India (m) Members of Parliament at least for a period of five years - during the period of their office. (n) Members of State Legislature atleast for a period of five years - during the period of their office.
- The Candidate and either of whose parents / guardian is a Group-A or Group B officer in the services of the Government or holds an equivalent post in public sector undertakings or an employee of a private industry / Institution and draws a salary which is not Less than that of a Group B officer (Pay scale Rs. 6000-1 1200)
- The Candidate and his/her father's mother's/Guardian Gross Annual income exceeds Rs. 2.00 lakhs
- The candidate and his/her father, mother /'guardian holding 10 units of Agricultural Land as Specified in the Karnataka Land Reforms Act 1961 and such of those holding more than 20 acres of plantation land.
- This creamy Layer policy does not apply to SC&STs and Category-l -of the Backward Classes.