Sir what is the last date to do seat freeze floote or slide option after ist csab round... 2020 i have to think about it to do ... ?
According to the information available the last date to freeze, float or slide a seat is 23rd of November. So, they are providing the candidates with three days of time to think what they want to do with the seat allotted to them. Yes, of course you need to think about it like if you are satisfied with the allotment then you don't need to think much and can simply freeze it but if you are willing to appear for the next round then you can keep the seat as a floating seat or you can slide it.
Hope it helps.
Good luck.
CSAB special round counselling started on 17th Novermber 2020. The option for accept a seat or surrender a seat ( freeze/float/slide) is open till 23rd november 2020 for the 1st round, i.e. the day after tomorrow. To know more visit here:
As per the CSAB Special round 2020 schedule the last date to choose the online willingness (freeze, float and slide) and online reporting is November 23, 2020 till 12 pm for CSAB Special round 1. So you need to provide your online willingness and complete the online reporting by November 23, 2020 before 12pm.