sir/madam.... in career 360 app am getting the fees structure of pes college of pharmacy Bangalore... about 2.17lakhs ..does that mean this fees is per year or .... full 6years ????. please help me with this.. and please recommend me the cheap pharm d college... and yeah am categorised for sc
Answer (1)
This fee structure mentioned is total fee per year , and here I am providing you a list of some top colleges of pharmacy which offers you D pharmacy course in less fee:
For more detail kindly refer the link provided below:
Best of luck.
This fee structure mentioned is total fee per year , and here I am providing you a list of some top colleges of pharmacy which offers you D pharmacy course in less fee:
- Government College of pharmacy, karad (fee: 19,600).
- JSS college of pharmacy,maysor (fee: 80,540).
- Government College of pharmacy, Amravati (fee: 80,820).
- Jamia hamdard, (fee: 70,000).
- Punjabi University (fee: 4,740).
- Institute of Chemical technology (fee: 85,350).
For more detail kindly refer the link provided below:
Best of luck.
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