Sir/mam will you please tell the perfect study time table for neet exam if the candidate is now studying in 11th std?
1. Complete the topic that is taught in the coaching and practice for questions for the same topic especially physics so that you can clear next day
2. For especially physics in 11th is a bit as compared to 12th mechanics questions as more as possible.
3. Make your short hand notes for 11th ncert biology especially animal and plant kingdom
4. For chemistry intial chapters are fundamental and clear you concepts well and makes your base strong in the subject
5. In weekends go for previous year questions both for neet and aiims.
6. Do not neglect 11th topics because you will not get time to cover them aftet 12th boards .
Question No 01 Timetable should be of full day ? Answer No 01 Firstly setting timetable should be done at an individual level. Following some elses time table wont be of any help.But an Ideal timetable should consist of the A) Studying time as per as your convinence ( Morning, Day or Night whenever your focus is maximum). An ideal time around 6 to 8 hrs per day. Study sessions must have small break schedules between them. Also include time for recreational activities for stress relieving like Sports Tv, Music.Also spend some time with your family. Sleep is an essential method to enhance your memory, and ideally have 7 to 8 hrs of peaceful sleep...............................................................
Question no 02 which books will be helpful? we should only refer ncert books?which mcq's books are Best for neet .?
......Answer no 02 The NCERT Textbook - If we analyse the examiners approach for setting the questions for NEET-UG exam, they would prefer the official publication of the examination authority which in this case is NCERT. So one must know NCERT textbooks (both 11 & 12 Std textbooks) in and out thoroughly. Also consider the illustrations in form of tables, figures and summary as most of the questions are taken from them. Also conceptual studying of the mentioned NCERT syllabus is important. Detailed syllabus is available on NCERT website. Previous NCERT Papers - NCERT has uploaded question papers of previous years and their answer keys online on the website. You can check the same at NCERT website.It gives you the understanding the relationship between the syllabus and type of questions framed from it..... Other Publications books including MCQ books have certain theory content to read. It would be fair to advise, anyone to read other publication books theory only after you have finished NCERT textbook.......
Regarding MCQ book u can select any book that u are comfortable in. Most important is that you solve and understand the concept of behind every MCQ and not the no of mcq solve........
Be persistent in ur schedule and loyal to time. Trust me it will pay u off.
Wishing you all the best for our NEET and Future.
Jatin K (CR @ Career360)
One more make a study plan of whole week what you have to study chapters/topics, revise them, take a test of yourself, analyse it, identify your loopholes, repair them and that will be all. These 4 hours will be enough but everyday not missed even once
I'll be answering your questions one at a time:
1) Everybody has different study techniques and timings of peak concentration to grasp concepts. Also, there is no perfect studying timetable. You have to figure out what works best for you. I suggest that you study difficult topics during the time you can concentrate best. Keep a schedule of the topics and timings per day and make it flexible. Also, don't be disheartened if you don't finish a couple of goals/topics mentioned in the schedule.
2) For reference books, you may use HC Verma's Concepts for physics, Modern ABC's textbooks for physics and chemistry and Dinesh's Objective textbook for Biology. They strengthen the conceptual understanding.
3) First and foremost, you should be thorough with the NCERT prescribed textbooks. In physics and chemistry, ensure that you understand the solved examples. The analogy in the answers are similar for answering NEET questions. In biology, every word is important because about 80-85% of the questions are quite direct. The textbooks present the basic concepts, if you're not clear with it, the reference books are not going to help because they build on these basics.
4) I can recommend Pradeep's Objective Textbooks for all the three subjects for the questions, as practice.
Hope this answers your question!
Arika (CR @ Careers360)
U maybe the type of student who likes working hard I mean who likes studying the whole day or maybe the one who can study only 2 hrs at a time not more than that .
Frankly I used to fall in the second category after every at max 2 hrs I needed a break and I used to take that break too.
What is important is that the time that u spend studying should be totally devoted to studies no distraction .
Try to study everything by heart try to like each and every subject and always be ready for any exam from the syllabus u have completed .
Keep this thing in mind that u will have to devote more time in 12th because then u will have to revise 11th also along with studying 12th .
Make ur time table on ur own nobody knows u better than urself .
Only u can decide what's perfect for u .
Do make ur time table and follow it .
And let me know if u face any problems ..
All the best for ur exam .......
Or on a holiday from 10-15 hrs
So it is difficult to make a time table .
I used to study 7 hrs after coming from scl .
4 hrs for 3 days i used to take coaching lectures(i bought online lecture course) and in remaining 4 hrs , 1.5 hrs were for physics and 1.5 hrs for zoology/botany.
On TFS - i had 7 hrs so 3 hrs physics , 2 hrs zoology/botany and 2 hrs chemistry
While on Sunday : 13 hrs - 4hr physics , 3 hr botany 3 hr zoology 3 hr chemistry.
You should have a target , i mean you should have in your mind that this particular chapter has to be completed in 15 days , i mean a kind of deadline . and you should also revise after sometime as you tend to forget things.
For books :
Biology - ncert+ coaching class book or otherwise you can use truemen and some people recommend mtg(i have not personally used it ) if you have not joined any coaching class
Chemistry - ncert is enough . if you go to coaching class you can use that book in addition
Physics - ncert + coaching + hc verma(need not do all questions )
For mcq
Biology - mtg/coaching
Chemistry - coaching /arihant/USS
Physics - USS/arihant
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