Latest: CAT 2024 IIMs/Non-IIMs MBA GD-PI Call Predictor - Analyze Now
Hi Sidharth,
CAT 2018 is just 3 months away. You should start solving mock test papers to analyse where you stand in terms of preparation. By solving and analysing your performance in mock tests, you would get to know your strong and weak areas. Taking a professional help in mock analysis is a good idea. You can even join a mock test series at any MBA coaching institute. You will get a professional guidance.
To know more about CAT preparation in the last three months, you can refer to the tips given by CAT exam toppers of previous years. Visit the links below to get all the tips about CAT preparation -
CAT Topper Interviews – Most Important Tips for CAT 2018
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All About CAT preparation
Hope that's helpful. All the best.
You need to do really hardwork to have good percentile. You need to study atleast 10-12 hours per day to crack it.
You should start doing online test which will help you to increase speed within time limit as CAT test will be online. Revise all concepts amd basics properly which will help you.
Thank you.
Good luck!
Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result.
hi, Sidharth,
let's start with the basics.
If you don't have any knowledge regarding CAT, I would suggest you to visit a local coaching class in your vicinity and enquire about CAT, its format and if possible anyway to get sample questions papers from them.
if you are convinced by them, you can join crash courses they provide. It would help you to get a broad perspective of CAT and its structure. If you join coaching, there is a high possibility to gain some extra knowledge regarding the exam and you may also get some tricks to pace up your solving.
And, if you want to study on your own, I would suggest referring ARUN Sharma's book for practising quants and LR - DI. For Preparation of VA-RC, i would suggest you to read some philosophy books, newpapers and try to solve as many passages within a time limit.
Try to increase your reading speed.
lastly, I would suggest to solve as many mock tests weekly or if possible on daily basis and analyse your performance.
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