Ssc cgl registration date 2019
For the year 2018, SSC CGL application form will be released on May 5, 2019, in online mode whereas, for the year 2019, the application form will be available from October 31, 2019.
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Hello Adi,
Staff Selection Commission conducts exam every year for various government posts in India. As per the latest notifications some of the important dates for SSC CGL 2019 are as follows:
Application form start date: October 2019
Last date to submit the application form: November 2019
Admit Card for SSC CGL Tier I exam: December 2019
But, these are the expected dates as the official dates are not yet released. You keep checking the official website for regular updates.
SSC also known as Staff Selection Commission has been one of the most recommended organisations which conducts government exams in India. It conducts Combined Graduate Level i.e., SSC CGL exam every year for recruitment of non-technical Group B and Group C non-gazetted posts in various Ministries or Departments under Government of India.
It conducts the CGL exam for recruitment into services like
Inspectors of Central Excise and Customs
Income Tax Inspectors
Preventive Officers in Customs
Sub- Inspectors in CBI and Narcotics department
Assistant Enforcement Officers in the Department of Revenue
Junior Accountant, Auditor in various govt offices
The compiler in Registrar General of India
And various other assistant posts in Ministries/Departments, attached and Subordinate Office of Government of India.
SSC CGL Exam Pattern
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exam in four levels for various posts.
The exam pattern is as below:
Tier I- Objective Multiple Choice Questions. Computer-based online exam.
Tier II-Objective Multiple Choice Questions. Computer-based online exam.
Tier III-Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi. Pen-Paper based mode of exam.
Tier IV-Skill test/ Computer Proficiency Test.
SSC CGL Syllabus
A. General Intelligence and Reasoning:
Classification Problems, Analogy, Coding-Decoding, Word Formation, Matrix, Word Formation, Venn Diagrams, Direction and Distance, Blood relations, series, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning.
B.General Awareness
Static GK and Current Affairs, General Science, Sports, Books and authors, Portfolios, People in News.
C.Quantitative Aptitude
Simplification, Profit Loss and Interest, Averages, Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Age Problems, Speed, Distance and Time, Number System, Mensuration, Data Interpretation, Time and Work, Algebra, Trigonometry and Geometry.
D. English Comprehension:
Error Spotting, One-word Substitution, Phrases and Idioms, Reading Comprehension, Sentence Correction, Spellings.
Tier II Syllabus:
Advanced Mathematics and English Comprehension.
Tier III Syllabus:
English Comprehension - Descriptive Type
Tier IV Syllabus:
Data Entry Speed Test for the post of Tax assistant and Computer Proficiency Test for the post of Central Excise Inspector, Preventive Officer, Examiner Inspector, MEA.
Hence, if you want to focus on the preparation of SSC CGL exam you should build a very strong base in mathematics and English and have an overlook on general awareness and reasoning part.
In Tier I each section will be of 25 questions and the time will be limited to just 1 hour. So you should have a good command in solving all questions within the minimum time period.
I hope this helps you. Good Luck!
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