Subjects and score in jee exam?
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In 2012, the government-runCentral Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) that earlier conducted the AIEEE, announced the JEE that replaced theAIEEEandIIT-JEE. The JEE-Main, which replaces AIEEE, is for admission to theNational Institutes of Technology(NITs),Indian Institutes of Information Technology(IIITs), and some other colleges designated as "centrally funded technical institutes" (CFTIs) The JEE-Advanced, which replaces IIT-JEE, is for admission to theIndian Institutes of Technology(IITs). Only the students selected in JEE Mains are eligible for appearing in JEE Advanced. About 2,24,000 Top students will be selected from 2018.
There are some institutes like theIndian Institutes of Science Education and Research(IISERs),Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, and theIndian Institute of Sciencewhich use the score obtained in JEE Advanced as the basis for admission. These are not participating institutes of central IIT JEE Advanced counseling of which all IITs are members. Any student who takes admission to IITs cannot appear for the JEE-Advanced exam in the next year, but the same is not the case with IISc, IISER, RGIPT and other institutes as these institutes only use JEE Advanced score for admission.
In September 2013, the IIT Council approved the decision of the Joint Admission Board to continue with the two-phase JEE pattern ("Main" followed by "Advanced") for IITs in 2014. Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) conducted the joint admission process for a total of 23 IITs, ISM, 32 NITs, 18 IIITs and 19 other Government Funded Technical Institutes (GFTIs).[1][2]
As per the reports fromMinistry of Human Resource Development(MHRD) of Government of India, the government is considering to conduct only one common engineering entrance test based on the lines ofNEETfor all engineering colleges, including private institutions, across India.[3]
JEE MainEdit
Main article:Joint Entrance Examination Main
JEE Main has two papers, Paper-1 and Paper-2. Candidates may opt for either or both of them. Both papers containmultiple choicequestions. Paper 1 is for admission to B.E./B.Tech courses and is conducted in both online and offline modes. Paper-2 is for admission in B.Arch and B.Planning courses and is conducted offline only.
JEE Main, unlike JEE Advanced, has a fixed exam structure and is not subject to change every year. Paper-1 is of three hours duration and consists of thirty multiple-choice (single-correct) questions in each of the three subjects (physics, chemistry, and maths). There is negative marking for incorrect answers. 4 marks are awarded for correct answers and 1 mark is deducted for incorrect answers.
From 2013 to 2016, the marks obtained in the class XII school board examination used to be accorded a 40% weightage in deciding the JEE Main all India ranks.[4][5]
From 2017, CBSE madeAadhar cardmandatory for students applying for JEE. Students not having the card were asked to register for it before applying for JEE.[6]
Number of applicants by yearEdit
The number of applicants taking the JEE Main has varied over the years. In 2016, fewer aspirants registered as compared to the previous three years as shown in the table below.1.3 million candidates appeared for JEE Main in 2014.[7]
YearNo. of Students20171,186,454[8]20161,194,938[9]20151,304,495[10]20141,356,805[11]20131,282,000[12]
JEE AdvancedEdit
Main article:Joint Entrance Examination Advanced
Students who qualify JEE-Main can appear for the JEE-Advanced examination. In 2018, 224,000 students will be allowed to appear for JEE-Advanced,[13]a number that had gone up from 220,000 in 2017 and 200,000 in 2016.[14]
JEE Advanced 2018Edit
JEE Advanced 2018 is going to be held on 20th May by IIT Kanpur and be completely online.[15]
JEE Advanced 2017Edit
JEE Advanced 2017 was conducted on 21 May 2017 by IIT Madras.[16]
JEE Advanced 2016Edit
In 2016, the JEE Advanced exam was held on May 22, 2016. The exam carried a total of 372 marks with each paper carrying 186 marks. The level of difficulty of questions was increased to a larger extent. Moreover, number of integer type questions (having no negative marking) were reduced. The paper was set up in collaboration of different IITs with the principal organiser being the IIT Guwahati. The Physics paper was set by IIT Madras, Mathematics by IIT Guwahati and the Chemistry portion was jointly set by IIT Bombay and IIT Delhi. These features made this paper the toughest ever JEE Paper till date. The paper had a huge surprise of partial marking in multiple correct choices where if a student marked some but not all correct answers without marking the wrong ones, he/she would be awarded one mark for each correct option.[17]
JEE Advanced 2015Edit
JEE Advanced 2015 was held on May 24, 2015. The two papers were of 504 marks overall, a sharp increase from the regular trend of about 360 marks. Changes in examination pattern surprised students nationwide. There were no single correct multiple choice questions at all; all of them were multi-correct. The level of negative marking was also increased.[18][19]
According to the statistics released by IIT Bombay, which conducted the exam, 26,456 out of the 1,17,238 candidates who appeared in the test were shortlisted for admission to IITs. 23,407 male candidates qualified, outnumbering 3,049 female candidates.[20]
Excellent question. I hope every JEE aspirant would go through this question before starting preparations, as it can provide an overview of which subjects to concentrate on, and which to avoid for the time being.Let’s start with Mathematics:Sets, relations and functions - sets and their representation, union, intersection and complement of sets, algebraic properties, power sets, types of relations, equivalence relations, functions, one-one, into and onto functions, composition of functionsComplex number and quadratic equations - complex numbers as ordered pair of reals, a + ib representation, representation in a plane, Argand diagram, Algebra of complex numbers, Modulus, argument, square root, triangle inequality, quadratic equations and its roots, roots and co-efficients, nature of roots, formation of equation with given rootsMatrices and determinants - Algebra, types, order, properties of determinants, evaluation and area of triangles using determinants, adjoint and evaluation of inverse, elementary transformations, tests of consistency, solution of simultaneous equations in two or three variablesPermutations and Combinations - Principle of counting, Arrangement and selection, Meaning of P(N,r) and C(N, r)Mathematical induction - Simple application of the principleBinomial theorem - Positive integral index application. general and middle terms, properties of coefficientsSequences and series - AP, GP, Insertion of arithmetic and geometric means, relations between AM and GM, Sum upto n terms, Arithmetico-geometric progressionLimit, continuity and differentiability - real-valued functions, algebra of functions, polynomials, rational, triential functions, graphs of simple functions, limits, differentiation of sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, differentiation of trigonometric, log, exponential functions, composite and implicit functions, Rolle’s and Lagrange’s mean value theorems, Applications of derivatives, Increasing and decreasing functions, maxima and minima, tangents and normalsIntegral calculus - Fundamental integrals, integration by substitution, by parts and by partial fractions, using trigonometric identities, as limit of a sum, fundamental theorem of calculus, definite integrals, areas of regions bounded by simp.Co-ordinate geometry - Cartesian system of rectangular co-ordinates in a plane, distance formula, section formula, locus and its equation, translation of axes, slope of a line, parallel and perpendicular lines, intercepts of a line on the coordinate axes, straight lines - Various forms of equations of a line, intersection of lines, angles between two lines, conditions for concurrence of three lines, distance of a point from a line, equations of internal and external bisectors of angles between two lines, coordinates of centroid, orthocentre and circumcentre of a triangle, equation of family of lines passing through the point of intersection of two lines, circles and conic sections - Standard form of equation of a circle, general form of the equation of a circle, its radius and centre, equation of a circle when the end points of a diameter are given, points of intersection of a line and a circle with the centre at the origin and condition for a line to be tangent to a circle, equation of the tangent. Sections of cones, equations of conic sections (parabola, ellipse and hyperbola) in standard forms, condition for y = mx + c to be a tangent and point (s) of tangency.Three Dimensional Geometry - Coordinates of a point in space, distance between two points, section formula, direction ratios and direction cosines, angle between two intersecting lines. Skew lines, the shortest distance between them and its equation. Equations of a line and a plane in different forms, intersection of a line and a plane, coplanar lines.Vector Algebra - Vectors and scalars, addition of vectors, components of a vector in two dimensions and three dimensional space, scalar and vector products, scalar and vector triple product.Statistics and probability - Calculation of mean, median, mode of grouped and ungrouped data. Calculation of standard deviation, variance and mean deviation for grouped and ungrouped data, Probability of an event, addition and multiplication theorems of probability, Baye’s theorem, probability distribution of a random variate, Bernoulli trials and Binomial distribution.Trigonometry - Trigonometrical identities and equations. Trigonometrical functions. Inverse trigonometrical functions and their properties. Heights and Distances.Mathematical reasoning - Statements, logical operations and, or, implies, implied by, if and only if. UPhew!Coming to Physics, now:Physics and Measurement - Physics, technology and society, S I units, Fundamental and derived units. Least count, accuracy and precision of measuring instruments, Errors in measurement, Significant figures. Dimensions of Physical quantities, dimensional analysis and its applicationsKinematics - Frame of reference. Motion in a straight line: Position-time graph, speed and velocity. Uniform and non-uniform motion, average speed and instantaneous velocity Uniformly accelerated motion, velocity-time, position- time graphs, relations for uniformly accelerated motion. Scalars and Vectors, Vector addition and Subtraction, , Scalar and Vector products, Unit Vector, Resolution of a Vector. Relative Velocity, Motion in a plane, Projectile Motion, Uniform Circular MotionLaws of Motion - Force and Inertia, Newton’s First Law of motion; Momentum, Newton’s Second Law of motion; Impulse; Newton’s Third Law of motion. Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications, Equilibrium of concurrent forces. Static and Kinetic friction, laws of friction, rolling
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