You can arrange your choice of colleges in two designs that is college wise or Branch wise. What I'm trying to say is that you can arrange your choices like this- You can put the colleges name keeping a particular branch constant or else you can change the branches keeping the college constant. It is always advisable that the top ranked colleges are to be put above the average and less ranked colleges. Now suppose your total number of choices are 50. Now after first round of counselling you have been allotted to choice number 40. If you go for Upgradation, there are two possibilities available-
You'll be allotted to any of the colleges above 40 if there are availability of seats.
Or else,
You'll be allotted to the same i.e. 40.
You'll never get the colleges which are under choice number 40. Cause you have passed their criteria, and you have been allotted to a certain level. Now it's not guaranteed that you'll definitely get a college above 40. You'll only get that college if there's availability of seats. Hope you have understood.