syllabus for cbse class 11 entrance jmi and amu
Answer (1)
Hi there!
J m i exams are of hundred questions in which physics chemistry and biology have 15th question while math 20 question. English 20 question and GK 10 question. Discuss the summary of the paper have a look at the syllabus of the paper.
In chemistry syllabus
1 carbon compound
2 metals and nonmetals
3 Periodic classification of elements
4 chemical substances.
In biology syllabus is
1 reproduction both sexual and asexual
2heredity and evolution
3 living world
4control and coordination in plant and animal
In maths syllabus is
1Real number
2 trigonometry
3 geometry which include circle triangle mensuration.
Hope this will help.
Good luck
J m i exams are of hundred questions in which physics chemistry and biology have 15th question while math 20 question. English 20 question and GK 10 question. Discuss the summary of the paper have a look at the syllabus of the paper.
In chemistry syllabus
1 carbon compound
2 metals and nonmetals
3 Periodic classification of elements
4 chemical substances.
In biology syllabus is
1 reproduction both sexual and asexual
2heredity and evolution
3 living world
4control and coordination in plant and animal
In maths syllabus is
1Real number
2 trigonometry
3 geometry which include circle triangle mensuration.
Hope this will help.
Good luck

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