Syllabus of bhu pet computer science and references for preparation
The good way of preparing BHU PET COMPUTER SCIENCE is having good memory about the concept of computer science that you studied during your graduation and go through the last 3 years question papers.
First you can go through the last 3 years question papers and make out that which topics in computer science has maximum number of question and cover that topics. And after that you can go in ascending order.
There shall be one paper of 120 minutes duration carrying 360 marks containing 120 multiple-choice questions on Mathematical Aptitude (about 80 questions), and Analytical and Logical Reasoning (about 40 questions). Mathematical Aptitude Test Areas (+2 Level): Logarithms, Inequalities, Matrices and Determinants, Progressions, Binomial Expansion, Permutation and Combination, Equations (upto degree 2), Function and Relation, Complex Arithmetic, 2- D Coordinate Geometry, Basics of Calculus, Basic Concepts of Probability. Analytical and Logical Reasoning: Questions will be mainly for checking logical conclusion, graphical/data interpretation, etc.
Hope this is helpful:)