Symbiosis design or Bennett mass communication
Hi Ashwini,
Well both are good enough to go,Now its upon you to choose.
But most of the ratings go for bennet mass communication...The university has became one of the most sought.
To make a best career in mass communication i think bennet should be an ideal College.As it has many active activities which make students sportive..I can say u some activities like.
- As a part of curriculam students are required to make websites
- Weekly discussions on development
- University organises 6 to 8 weekly internships in various organisations
- Students are made to spend time in practicals
It has become one of the top colleges as it has strong association with times of India.
It has strict security,wifi available 24*7 and all sort of activities which students need.
But just one error in this college is if your looking for decent and polite natire then this College is not suitable for you
We can Just give you our review on college,but you are the one who should choose wisely.. Bennett is best and symbiosis is even good.
Hope you understood the difference.
Thank you.
Ask for any other queries if you get anytime.