tell me how to fill the form of capround for pharm d

Mohammed Farhan 10th Nov, 2020
Answer (1)
sowji.guntupu 10th Nov, 2020

Hello student,

Here is the procedure to fill the form for Pharm D of CAP round.

Registration for CAP Round

(1) In order to participate in the CAP it is MANDATORY to fill the Online Option Form for CAP Round I.
(2) Candidates will be able to fill in the online option form through their login.
(3) It is mandatory for all candidates to confirm the online option form by himself / herself.
(4) After confirmation of Option form, the candidate will not be able to change the Options.
(5) Candidates should not disclose their Application ID & Password to others to avoid impersonation.
(6) The serial number of block in the option form indicates preference of choice. Thus the choice code of the
institute filled by the candidate in block No. 1 will be his/her first preference (Highest Priority Choice).
(7) Option form received through online submission only will be considered for further processing.
(8) Candidate shall confirm the submitted on-line Option Form himself/herself by re-entering Application ID and Password.
The candidate can take a printout of the confirmed Option form for his record and future reference
(9) The candidate can fill in minimum 1 and maximum 300 options.The candidate shall fill the institute choice code against the
option number in the online option form.

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