There any chance to me to apply for iit jam geology with out matsh in 12plus and in graduation I have biology in 12plus
hello anil kumar i have provided you IIT JAM GEOLOGY ELIGIBITY Criteria for different insitutions please check them carefully.
For M.Sc. Applied Geology in IITB, IITR - Essential subjects in Bachelor’s Degree along with minimum duration-Geology for three years/six semesters and any two subjects among Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biological Science in graduation and in 10 +2 -mathematics as essential subject.
For Joint M.Sc.- Ph.D. in Geophysics at IITKGP -Essential subjects in Bachelor’s Degree along with minimum duration-Geology as a subject for three years/six semesters and any two subjects among Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry and mathematics as essential subject in 10+2
For Joint M.Sc.- Ph.D. in Geology at IITKGP, IITBBS-Essential subjects in Bachelor’s Degree along with minimum duration- Geology as a subject for three years/six semesters and any two subjects among Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry and mathematics as essential subject in 10+2
for Joint M.Sc.- Ph.D. in Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences at IITBBS-Essential subjects in Bachelor’s Degree along with minimum duration- Mathematics and Physics and any one of these subjects among Chemistry, Computer Science, Computer Application, Geology and Statistics and 10+2 No Restrictions for essential subjects.

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