There are many top colleges which accept both Cat and mat. So is there any difference between students who come from cat or mat ?
Every college keeps a cut off for different exam in such a way that a student appearing in both the exams will ve able to clear both the exams cut off. I mean to say that cut off is kept in such a way that its value is equivalent even if exams are different.
And after clearing the cut off of any exam, every student needs to go through the same procedure of GD/WSAT and interview. And in the final merit list every student is ranked on the basis of same parameters like MBA exam's marks (relative to cut off), academic records, work experience, extra curriculars etc.
So in the end every student is similar and there is hardly any difference. So give your best in any exam you appear and get the best college.
All the best for your preparations and exams!!
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difference between cat and mat
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