they are asking for class 10th roll no. but I have completed class 10 from ICSE board and am doing 12th from CBSE
Yes, it will work. If you are asked to submit your 10th grade roll no then submit that one only and if the next question asked is which board then answer it with CISCE. ICSE is the examination conducted by CISCE.
You will also be asked for 12 board roll no, board name, marks, etc.
Kindly do not misinterpret them else your application may be cancelled during Counselling. AIIMS Adminstration is pretty strict on correct documentation.

Dear Rishi, yes you can give the 10th roll no# of wgich ever board you have studied in. That doesnt create an issue. Just a heads up! There have been issues of students facing dufficultues while filling in the application form. If you are one among those try clearing the cache, browsing history, restartt your device and relogin. It might take a while but the process will be complete.
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