this exam is easy or hard as compare to jee mais....... & which books are refer to prepare viteee exam
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Hello Sahil,
VITEEE is easy as compared to JEE main -this is the vit unofficial site that provides you with basic information related to viteee and vit.
As you can see from the exam pattern mentioned links, mentioned above...
VITEEE has more questions, than JEE Main and also the time provided to you is less(about 3/4th)
This means the exam will be easy as compared to JEE. Also from the exam pattern, we can see JEE has only PCM, while there is an added section of English in VITEEE.
This adds extra advantage to the students appearing for VITEEE. As from the experience, I can say, VITEEE exam is highly based on formulas than on concept. Important derived results, are more important for this exam, while in case of JEE you need a strong conceptual knowledge. VITEEE exam is straight forward with only important problems, from important topics, it focuses on time management. In case of JEE, you have to specific to questions.
As far as books are considered, for VITEEE you can consult online sample papers, as VIT does not release its previous year's papers. You may consult with the seniors who had already given the exam. As far as my experience says, course books(in 12th and 11th) will be ok. You may also refer to some good practice problem books, such as Arihant, that is basically for BITS, but you may get a good set of questions to practise.
Apart from Arihant(most recommended by people), you may use subject-specific books such as H.C.Verma for Physics, RD Sharma for maths, JD LEE for chemistry or any competitive exam book, for practising question.
Concluding, I would say VITEEE is definitely easier than JEE. JEE main is an all India government exam for admission to highly prestigious colleges. It requires better understanding.
Any book for JEE main can be considered at par with VITEEE.
Hope this helps
Hello Sahil
VITEEE is easier as compared to JEE Main exam. Best books to prepare for VITEEE 2019 are-
Arihant Series by DC Pandey
1. Books on Mechanics – Part 12. Waves and Thermodynamics3. Electricity and Magnetism4. Optics and Modern Physics
Concepts of Physics by HC Verma
MCQ Question Bank by D Mukherjee
Inorganic Chemistry (NCERT)
Organic Chemistry (Khan Academy)
Arihant Series by Dr. SK Goyal
Arihant Past Year AIEEE papers
VITEEE Solved Papers and Mock Tests from Arihant
Objective Mathematics Part 1 and Part 2 (NCERT difficulty) by RD Sharma
You should solve sample papers and mock tests. It will help you a lot to know about the exam pattern and type of questions asked in the exam.
You can enroll for the VITEEE Knockout to prepare for the exam more effectively and smartly using the smart study material (which includes chapter wise, concepts wise, most asked and most difficult questions), Advanced Test Series based on VITEEE Pattern (which includes unlimited chapter wise test, subject wise test and full mock test), adaptive time table, performance analysis (which includes Prepmeter, Strength Sheet, Weakness Sheet, Skills Graph) and Rank Predictor tool.
Go through the link below to check the details
Good Luck!
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First of all Jee mains is the standard and tougher exam in comparison to viteee exam.When you have prepared yourself for mains exam then you need not have to put much effort in viteee exam but VIT never disclose marks scored by the candidate and admission are conducted phase wise or rank wise.You don't require any separate book for this exam, follow your books of mains exam.
viteee exam is generally easy as compared to jee mains and jee mains checks a bit deep knowledge of the candidate. you can find the best books and preparation tips for viteee at .
hope it helps.
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