this year, inform to that Institute which freeze in jossa councelling for to go for csab round, Prosses will held online
Hello Jitendra kumar,
Well, Yes! after josaa counselling and freezing the choice you have to pay partial fees by either Online or In-Person, since most of NITs are providing Online payment and Reporting...As per revised notification of AICTE, the academic year for UG will start from 1, December 2020 and therefore most NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs are providing online payment and reporting... while in CSAB dates are closer to 1, December 2020 and there are most chances to visit the institute In-Person, however in CSAB 2020 Schedule Online option is also provided as per the situation of the state affected by Covid-19...In the last, online or offline visiting depends on the institutes but here I am providing most probable chances...
You can refer to CSAB 2020 schedule yourself at ( CSAB Schedule ( )
Hope this helps, and feel free to ask any further query...
If you freeze your seat in josaa counseling, then you have to pay the seat acceptance fees of Rs. 35000 (for gen/ews/obc) or Rs.15000 (for sc/ st/pwd), as well as upload the documents before the given deadline.
But if you want to retain your allotted seat then you will have to give a partial admission fees of Rs. 40000 (for gen/ews/obc) or Rs. 20000 (for sc/st/pwd).
After the successful payment of the Partial Admission Fee, if you want to take admission in allotted institute, then you are required to visit the admitting Institute website for DETAILS OF ADMISSION PROCESS FOR FIRST SEMESTER 2020-21. And you are required to complete all the admission formalities given on admitting
Institute website.
You will also be eligible to participate in CSAB SPECIAL ROUND 2020.
If you want to participate in CSAB Special rounds after completing the payment of Partial Admission Fees, then visit the CSAB offical website
( ). The process will be held completely online.
Also check out the following link to know what to do after seat allotment for first time :-
Check the following pdf link and it will be beneficial for you to get an insight knowledge about your query :-