To get into MICA we have to take the MICAT exam, but do we also have to fill a separate form for the MICA college? Like the one that happens with NMAT and SNAP.
MICA offers both Residential and online Programmes. Under Residential list, MICA offers:
Post Graduate Diploma in Management Communications PGDM-C
Fellow Programme in Management FPM
Post Graduate Certificate Programme in Crafting Creative Communication CCC
For being eligible for these programmes, you should have completed your Graduation in any discipline that is recognised by the Association of Indian Universities in 10+2+3 format or an equivalent qualification. Those appearing for final examinations of Graduation are also eligible to apply. MICA more of shortlists those Candidates who demonstrate aptitude for expressing, assessing and or conceiving ideas to achieve business results. MICA has a 3 step selection process which can be read and understood from the official website: But to give you an idea,
1. You have to appear for any one of the entrance examinations among CAT/XAT.GMAT. Your CAT 2020, XAT 2021 or GMAT 2019 onwards scores will be considered for MICA admission process. You need to update your score options in the online application form i.e. CAT 2020, xat 2021, GMAT 2019 onwards. Once you receive your CAT score/XAT Registration number and GMAT score, you need to update the details on the official website on or before January 20th, 2021. For XAT, you only need to mention the XAT registration number and your score will be collected from XLRI.
2. MICA Admission test:All Candidates will be assessed on MICAT which consists of 3 sections namely:
Psychometric Test
Descriptive Test
Divergent and Convergent Thinking/ Verbal Ability. Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation and General Awareness.
So even if you appear for CAT/XAT.GMAT, you still need to appear for MICAT.
3. Candidates who have been shortlisted on the basis of their performance in CAT/XAT/GMAT and MICAT have to appear for both Group Exercise and Personal Interview. This is the 3rd step.
Group Exercise and Personal Interview Shortlisting process:
Psychometric test is a qualifier. Those who qualify in the Psychometric test have to also score a minimum cut off in CAT/XAT percentile/GMAT score. And their relative performance in CAT/XAT/GMAT will be considered. Those who qualify on the basis of their CAT/XAT/GMAT performance, Section B of MICAT scores will be assessed. And those Candidates who qualify on the basis of relative performance subject to a minimum cut off in Normalised scores of Section B of MICAT shall be assessed on Section C of MICAT. And the final composite score is calculated using the weightages:
- MICAT: 30%
- GE: 20%
- PI: 30%
MICAT is the entrance examination for admission to MICA Ahmedabad alone and so for admission to MICA, you need to fill in the MICAT application form, CAT/XAT/GMAT application form and appear for the exams. The MICAT application form is good enough. You do not need to fill another separate application form. For more information, please read our article:
Hi Aspirant,
Yes,you have to fill up a seperate form since registration for MICAT 1 has already started.The application form has been released on October 6,2020 and phase 1 will be conducted on December 5,2020.You need to register and then fill the application form and then paying the fees for the exam.It is necessary to fill the exam form as 50% weightage is given On their exam MICAT while shortlisting and 50% on the score of CAT/XAT/Gmat.
All the best!!
Need further more clarification.
I have already filled the form for MICAT 1, but do I also have to fill a separate form for the college?
Is there any separate form for college as well?
Like it happens in NMAT, after one fill NMAT form one also have to pay separately for the colleges associated with NMAT to get a final call.
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