To take or not to take 2 pages of instructions of the admit card for the examination??
Hey there!
Well admit card of any certain examination are issued for the identification of that candidate, basically it is an official permission letter for appearing any particular examination.
The Admit card contains our all information which is needed for a particular exam, it is necessary to bring admit card to the center of examination for double verification of the registration done by students.
Also there are certain instructions which is always mention in any sort of examination admit card, that instructions is there for students only which they should follow all over the exam.
However the instructions given there is to read, there is no necessity to carry that instruction page in your examination center, you only have to get your admit card in which your all information should be clearly visible .
But according to my opinion there is no loss if you are taking 2 pages of your admit card with you, although it is not necessary to take second page but you should carry it as if the invigilator asked you for that.
I hope this info will help you!